Getting Rid of body Scars

What is a scar?
 When there is an injury, our skin automatically produces more cells in order to re-grow the injured skin. This tissue is known as scars. These scars are easily visible because the cells that grow in making up the scars are of lesser quality than the original cells. They are less resistant to UV (ultraviolent radiation) radiation and are not able to grow any hair since they have no follicles.
When we look for the questions likes ‘how can I get rid of my scars’ or ‘how can I remove my scars’, we should be well familiar with the fact that scars can never be completely healed. There are a number of medical and cosmetic methods to cover up scars, but none of them can claim to remove them completely.
There are many natural and herbal treatments to remove scars. These herbal methods are safe, simple and cost effective. These methods are generally simple home treatments, and they have no harmful effects. You can try these methods before going in for complicated surgical procedures.
Herbal remedies to remove scars
There are several natural and herbal remedies to prevent and treat scars by opening the kitchen cabinet. These herbal methods are inexpensive and safe to use.

·          Cucumber - The cucumber is very helpful in the removal of scar tissues. Prepare a paste of cucumber and apply directly onto the scars. This will help the scars to smoothen out after a few applications left overnight.

·          Indian Gooseberry - The Indian gooseberry (amalaki) is very beneficial in the prevention of scars after healing. Gooseberry is a good source of vitamin C, which is very essential for cementing the open wounds.

·          Garlic - Cut a clove of garlic into half and rub it on the acne scars. This helps to treat the acne without leaving a scar behind later on.

·         Aloe Vera - Aloe Vera is also an effective herbal remedy for the treatment of residual scars. Its juice acts as natural bleach. When applied directly onto the scars it helps the scar to slowly reduce and vanish.

   I hope this will help in home remedies of scars


Exercises to lose belly fat can be easy and most importantly fun. As your most probably aware by now belly fat can be an extremely stubborn pest to get rid of. But there are steps you can take that will have a tremendous impact on belly fat and most importantly your health.

Aerobic exercises are by far the most productive weapon you can use to tackle your belly fat problem head on. You don’t need to be an athletic to start taking important steps to improve your health but you do need both discipline and honest determination that you do want to do something about it.

The following exercises are the top 3 exercises to lose belly fat and are very powerful in terms of fighting your belly fat problem. You should be looking to do your aerobic exercise for between 20-40mins, and try to fit this into your daily routine, everyday if you can.

1.Walking - especially on surfaces such as sand, fields or woodland. Tarmac is ok, but can be a bit boring and you should take extra care to wear well cushioned trainers to protect your joints.
If you are

2.Swimming - I highly recommend swimming, as well as working your body and burning plenty of calories this exercise has no impact on your joints.

3.Aerobic Videos - get yourself a good aerobic video, this can be done in your own home if your a bit shy and don't like exercising in public. It can also be a lot of fun.

It also important to note that exercises to lose belly fat are not the only answer but rather a very useful string in your bow. You should also be concentrating on eating a healthy balanced diet.

not used to eating healthily then finding the will power to change your habits can be very difficult at first. If you can get over the first couple of weeks it really then just starts to become a lot easier.


The stomach is a muscular organ - about the size of your hand - that stretches when full and returns to normal when empty. This stretching of the stomach is only temporary. The size of stomach that varies among individuals, affects food intake.
Although bigger people tend to have bigger appetites, the size of the stomach--and not just the size of the body--appears to affect the feeling of fullness, or satiation, during and after a meal, according to research from the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
The investigators found that compared with normal-weight adults, those who were overweight or obese took longer to feel satiated at mealtime. Similarly, those whose empty stomachs were larger needed more calories to feel completely full.
It was not merely a matter of bigger people having bigger stomachs, said the researchers. Instead, the size of a person's empty stomach (called fasting gastric volume) was related to a feeling of fullness independent of body size.
Their study included 134 healthy volunteers who, after an overnight fast, drank a liquid meal until they reached maximum satiation. Their stomach volume before and after eating was measured through non-invasive imaging. The researchers found that both body mass index (BMI) and fasting gastric volume were independently linked to the time it took participants to become full.
The study suggests that factors governing stomach volume might predispose people to obesity and could serve as targets for weight-control tactics. These control mechanisms could range from eating patterns, such as whether a person eats small meals throughout the day or tends to binge, to hormones, to the nerves that control stomach contraction and relaxation (Gastroenterology, February 2004).
From these studies it is safe to assume that whatever can help reduce the stomach size will help control appetite and thus weight reduction. Further proof is the extreme example of surgical procedure to reduce stomach size. One of the major reasons for surgery to promote weight loss is that the operations close off parts of the stomach to make it smaller. Operations that only reduce stomach size are known as "restrictive operations" because they restrict the amount of food the stomach can hold.
In conclusion, reduced stomach not only improves the appearance but helps control weight. Because, reduced stomach makes you feel full with less food reducing the amount of food eaten and thus the calories consumed. This leads to weight loss. Therefore, you're killing two birds with one-stone, the reduced stomach which reduces weight in this simple but effective exercise.